Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm not exactly 'unhappy' with my life right now, more 'unsatisfied'. I feel like there should be more. Now, more WHAT, I'm not sure. Something, however, is missing.

Part of my dissatisfied state is the result of my weight. I lost 30 pounds 'on my own' in 2008, and another 30 with Weight Watchers in 2009. I can't seem to get it back under control, though, and have gained back about 14 pounds. (Much better than all 60, but this trend needs to stop.)

I love to read! I just finished Barbara Delinsky's "The Summer I Dared" and it was fantastic; one of those you finish and it stays on your mind for days. I always love her books, but this may be my favorite. Of course, I tend to read so many, so fast, that I can pick them up way down the road and not remember if I've read them yet or now. I started an Excel spreadsheet with one worksheet of books I WANT to read (over 900 at the moment) and another of those I've already read - I neglected to add the date when I first started tracking, so I'm not sure when that was, but it has almost 300 on it now. I'm thinking it was 2006 or so.

So, anyway. I was thinking that maybe if I started a journal (or, to be more modern, blog), I could share some of my thoughts. No clue if anyone is interested in reading them or not, but maybe it'll help me to put it all down.

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean. It comes in phases :) But you are an inspiration to everyone who knows you, don't give up!
